Photography Tutorials¶
This section contains tutorials and other articles on photography. Some are about photography in general and others on specific aspects of digital photography. It will take some time to develop this section fully, but we will push to build a fairly comprehensive list of articles over the next few weeks.
The Leica M11-P has several pages of menu choices, To be able to use this camera more like a film camera, there are certain settings I’d recommend.
posted: jul 2024 ✧ words: 462
To learn how to use the Leica M9 camera for studio photography, I spent a day taking private lessons with a professional fashion photographer who uses the same camera for his work. He hired a model for the lessons. It was fun and extremely useful.
posted: aug 2014 ✧ words: 1630
Adjusting Aperture for Light or Depth
One adjusts the aperture of a lens for two reasons: setting the aperture wider will make for a brighter image; or to decrease or increase the range of objects which are in focus. The choices can affect the results of the photograph.
posted: aug 2009 ✧ words: 1929
Understanding Exposure Settings
There are three primary settings on a camera that are related to exposure: shutter duration, aperture, and ISO. This article provides some basic analogies to help beginners to understand these aspects of a camera.
posted: feb 2009 ✧ words: 952
Like almost all digital cameras today, the Leica Q has an extensive menu of settings that can be frustrating to navigate — especially while taking photos. To stay in creative mode, the latest firmware version allows for some customization
posted: oct 2018 ✧ words: 2924
Since digital photography has become quite good, there has been a debate among photographers as to whether digital or film photography is better. I did an experiement to see which is better given almost all things being equal.
posted: sep 2011 ✧ words: 789
Home Studio Starter Kit, Expansion
If you bought the equipment suggested in my previous article, and you’re ready to expand your home studio, this article can help. We’ll give you suggestions on what you will need to go from simple portraits shots to well illuminated ones.
posted: jul 2009 ✧ words: 1781
New Photography Student Kit Enhanced
After getting the basic items from the first two articles in this series and practicing, you’re ready for the next level: studio photography. In a small home studio you can take great photos and learn more in a controled environment.
posted: jul 2009 ✧ words: 1460
If you got the basics suggested in my first article on putting together a kit for a new photography student, I would like to suggest spending a little more to enhance your learning experience. You’ll add stability and improve greatly your photos.
posted: jul 2009 ✧ words: 1116
If you’re ready to learn about photography and you’re planning on buying a better quality camera, this article will provide you with some recommendations. It explains what you need to take better pictures and to learn more about photography.
posted: jul 2009 ✧ words: 1295
Steadying Micro 4/3 with Manual Lens
Voigtlander makes adapters for Leica lenses so that they may be used on micro four-thirds cameras. It works well. But using a cropped manual lens on such a camera makes it difficult to avoid camera-shake in low lighting.
posted: feb 2012 ✧ words: 1013
Focusing Screens in a DSLR Camera
Some cameras are made with a focusing screen that are easily removable and replacable. This article explains how this is done with an example of the process.
posted: apr 2010 ✧ words: 1064
Digital cameras use memory cards. Over time, when you delete images from the memory on the camera, you can get corrupted image files somtimes. Understanding memory cards can help you to understand how to manage them properly.
posted: apr 2010 ✧ words: 587
Although prime lenses (i.e., non-zoom lenses) are limited to one focal length, there are some advantage to them over popular zoom lenses. This article provides examples and advice to help you decide whether to buy prime lenses.
posted: jul 2009 ✧ words: 1468
This is a brief article about letting go of automatic mode and how to learn about using your digital camera on manual mode.
posted: jul 2009 ✧ words: 1142
This article describes the different modes available on a DSLR camera and more advanced compact cameras (e.g., Av, Tv, and Manual mode). It doesn’t include automated modes since those are particular to the camera and require little or no adjustment.
posted: jul 2009 ✧ words: 1103
This article describes how to use Tv mode (Time Value) — Shutter Speed Priority — with other settings automated — that is to say, the aperture is set automatically according to how you set the shutter duration.
posted: jul 2009 ✧ words: 426