About FotoCapito

Russell & Elena

The name Foto Capito is Italian. Capito means understood. However, foto for Italians is an abbreviation for photograph, or photographs, and possibly photography. Therefore, the phrase, foto capito could be translated a few different ways: photo understood, photos understood, or photography understood. Along these lines, some aspects of this site attempt to help readers to understand photography. Other parts of this site seek to help visitors to understand photographs, to understand their meaning. We try to help photographers to be able to analyze a photograph and its meaning — as a means of communication and art.

With this all in mind, this web site offers tutorials and other resources related to photography. It’s primarily for newcomers to photography and for beginners who want to learn how to take good photographs. We think that we provide easy to understand articles which explain various aspects of photography: camera settings, composition, lighting, etc. This site also includes recommendations of books on photography and photography equipment to help new photographers to learn more than this site can offer, and to help them to purchase good equipment that they will use as they progress in their understanding of photography.

About Russell

Russell’s Current Cameras & Lenses

The primary owner of this site is Russell Dyer. He’s an American writer living in Milan, Italy. This site contains his articles on photography, as well as his thoughts and notices on the same. Since these writings are extensive, they’re kept separate from his personal site.

For his work, Russell writes about computer software and edits the writings of others on software — this is software unrelated to photography. He’s also written a few novels. You can learn more about his technical books from O’Reilly Media, and about his novels from A Silent Killdeer Publishing . You can buy his book on Amazon.