Zeiss Planar T* f/2.0 50mm ZM Lens

Zeiss Planar T* f/2.0 50mm ZM Lens

Zeiss ZM Planar 50mm Lens

maker: Zeiss
focal length: 50 mm
max aperture: f/2.0
angle of view: 47°
filter size: 43 mm
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This lens is based on the renowned Carl Zeiss Planar design, a symmetric combination of 6 optical elements in 4 groups. Its features include excellent resolving power, high image quality over the entire field, and outstanding flare control. The Planar T* 2/50 ZM lens opens up new creative possibilities for all-round photography, documentation and photojournalism.

Photos Taken with this Camera

Via Torino in Milan
Sforzesco Castle
Two Americans at Piazza di Mercanti
Centrale Stazione
Centrale Stazione
Piazza dei Duomo
Piazza dei Duomo
Piazza di Mercanti
Piazza di Mercanti
Milan, Italy
At the Dog Park
Milan, Italy
Life Imitates Advertising
Piazza di Mercanti
Park Hyatt hotel in Milan
Lake Maggiore

Related Articles

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