Canon EOS 5D MII Camera

Canon 5D Mark II Camera

Canon EOS 5D Mark II

maker: Canon
sensor: CMOS
mega pixels: 21.1
capture rate: 3.9 fps
format: digital
af points: 9
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Compact, lightweight with environmental protection, EOS 5D successor boasts a newly designed Canon CMOS sensor, with ISO sensitivity up to 25,600 for shooting in near dark conditions. The new DIGIC 4 processor combines with the improved CMOS sensor to deliver medium format territory image quality at 3.9 frames per second, for up to 310 frames.

Triggered from Live View Mode, HD video capture allows users to shoot uninterrupted at full 1080 resolution at 30fps — for amazing quality footage with outstanding levels of detail and realism.

The integration of HD movie capability into a high-end 21.1-megapixel camera opens a multitude of new possibilities for photojournalists and news photographers. With its full-frame CMOS sensor and outstanding ISO performance, the EOS 5D Mark II will appeal to any photographer in search of the finest camera equipment available – from studio and wedding to nature and travel photographers.

Photos Taken with this Camera

Amiram Eni
Amiram Eni
Amiram Eni
Julie & Amiram
Julie & Amiram
Julie & Amiram
Julie & Amiram
Charlie Brown Christmas
Edict of Milan
Nyhavn in Copenhagen
Blind Spot
Palazzo Maffei
An Andrew Wyeth Door

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